The Ultimate First Aid Course

The Ultimate guide in first aid and emergency response for all adults children and babies.
302 Students enrolled
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The Ultimate First Aid Training Course

This is a complete First Aid course designed to give you the knowledge of First Aid skills to support during first aid emergencies when someone is ill or injured. This course will cover First Aid Treatment for Adults, Children and Babies/Infants as well as a bonus section for your pet!

First aid is probably one of the most essential life skills that everyone should have. The knowledge of first aid can literally be the difference between life and death when a medical emergency occurs.

The course consists of videos that encourage you to practice the skills you are learning. There are numerous handouts you can download and keep for future reference as well as short tests to check your learning after various sections. We will keep you entertained and engaged throughout and will always be on hand to help answer any questions you have – just email [email protected] or use the Q&A section. The course is fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and on completion you will be able to print your Certificate.

Course content includes:

  • Understanding the role and responsibilities of the First Aider

  • Assessing an emergency situation

  • First aid for a casualty who is unresponsive and breathing normally

  • First Aid for a casualty who is unresponsive and not breathing (use of AED)

  • Treatment for a casualty suffering from a seizure

  • First Aid for a choking casualty

  • First Aid treatment for external bleeding, including treatment of shock

  • First Aid treatment of burns

  • First Aid to a casualty with bites, stings and minor injuries such as splinters.

  • First Aid to a casualty with animals bites, weaver fish, hairy caterpillars, jellyfish, snake bites.

  • Be able to conduct a secondary survey for a conscious casualty

  • Be able to treat a casualty who is drowning.

  • Treatment of injuries to the bones, muscles and joints.

  • First Aid treatment for suspected head and spinal injuries and soft tissue injuries

  • Treatment for chest injuries

  • First Aid treatment for a casualty with an eye injury

  • First Aid treatment to a casualty who has been poisoned or suffered anaphylaxis

  • First Aid treatment to a casualty who is suffering from the heat or the cold

  • Knowledge of how to provide first aid to a casualty who is suspected of a major illness such as Heart Attack, Stroke, Asthma, sickle cell, Diabetes or Epilepsy

  • Learn how to perform CPR on a pet

The Unconscious BREATHING Casualty
Muscular and Skeletal Injuries
Effects of Heat
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
55 reviews
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