Frequently Asked Questions

F. A. Q

Most Popular Questions

Our system is self contained. A single house current outlet, a 10x10ft  space to set up our screen and projector box, and the ability to control ambient light. The room does not have to be pitch black, but sunlight negatively impacts the IR camera and Lasers.

Absolutely, Currently we support .38, 9mm, .223/5.56,.300 Blk, and 12 gauge. AR platforms are easily converted by temporarily replacing the bolt. Unfortunately most personal firearms will not activate the slide or reset the trigger.Please contact us for more discussions on options if you desire to use your own firearms.
Most airsoft rifles can be non-permenatly adapted to our system by unscrewing the flash-hider or muzzle device and installing a LaserAmmo Flash Device. Any airsoft with a 14mm CCW or CW barrelthread (14mm positive or negative) can be adapted. Alternatively we can provide a rail based system called the Spider.
For most Law Enforcement uses, a single hour of training with two simultaneous shooters is a common setup. We limit simultaneous Shooters to two for most Programs. We are flexible and request you to use the contact us page to discuss your actual needs before booking training.

Our owner, David Nash, has more than 20 years as a firearm instructor,he has coached college pistol teams, written books on the subject, and worked as an Agency firearm instructor for every department he has worked for. Including work as a Academy firearm instructor for a State Correction Agency.  During his time in public service, David has been an agency firearm simulator instructor using the original FATS, Meggit, and TI Gunfighter systems before purchasing the Laser Ammo Smokeless Range System.


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